Learning and Development

How Much Should You Practice?

Practice does not make perfect, especially when learning music. 

Music isn't about perfection at all. 

Read more to find out about how much you should practice, especially as a beginner. 

Melbourne Guitar Exhibition 2017

With many instrument retail stores now opting to import guitars, perhaps this is a time to reflect on whether we, as consumers, are seeing the guitars as vehicles of musical utility, or treasures to last us a lifetime of music. 

Find out what we learned at the Melbourne Guitar Exhibition 2017.

Melbourne Guitar Show 2016 Review

Learning guitar is not a linear progression.

Find out more of what I learned at the Melbourne Guitar Show, 2016. 


4 Confidence Building Strategies I Use During Music Lessons

Confidence. The one benefit that not a lot of people mention about learning guitar. 

Guitar becomes an extension of who you are - and so here are 4 tips you can use to build confidence within young people learning anything - especially guitar.