guitar lessons doncaster

Posture For Beginners - Guitar, Piano, Singing

Today we are going to talk about both correct and incorrect posture for guitar, piano and singing. Often we forget that if we want to change the way we play, we have to adjust how we position ourselves to the instruments. Whether it be changing hands, back and the weight on your feet, changing your posture can improve your technique and confidence on your instrument.

Read on!

Guitar Maintenance For Beginners

Believe it or not, no guitar is ever manufactured perfectly.

There are dents, the action is too high, it’s too hard to push the fingers on the strings…

Even the frets may be dirty from all the wear-and-tear of the store.

So here are 6 tips on how to maintain your guitar, so that it is squeaky clean and easy to play.

Practice Chord Transitions With These 3 Strum/Stop Exercises

To play chord transitions well, every guitar player must learn the shape of the chord, timing on your strumming hand and the string clarity of your fretted hand. Learn 3 guitar exercises that can help you practice chord transitions more effectively.

4 Scales For Beginner Guitarists

Learn the 4 guitar scales every beginner and intermediate player should know. A guitar lesson for lead guitar players. Featuring my brother on bass! 

Invest In Learning Guitar Part 2: Group Guitar Lessons

Do I take private guitar lessons, or do I take group guitar lessons? 

I explore the debate yet again, pointing out the benefits and drawbacks of group guitar lessons. 

4 Confidence Building Strategies I Use During Music Lessons

Confidence. The one benefit that not a lot of people mention about learning guitar. 

Guitar becomes an extension of who you are - and so here are 4 tips you can use to build confidence within young people learning anything - especially guitar.